If she had used the term "my kid" instead of "you" then I would have read happily without being troubled by what she said. She has subsequently rephrased the statement without changing the story and I am quite content.
What I was really hoping was not that people stopped telling stories but that we remember our divers audience and remember this, which I had posted earlier.
Well, this isn't entirely accurate...
I meant that I was not speaking about anyone else's child specifically. Not yours, not G3's. But also not just mine.
I was generalizing. I do think that in general, underchallenge/boredom is a major problem for GT kids. Not all GT kids. Not always. Not all forms of boredom. Like any generalization, my point certainly has limits. I think that discussing those limits can be a very productive discussion. But I AM generalizing and not merely speaking about my own child.
I should not have used "you" in the generic sense because it can be confused for specificity that I did not intend. For that single word choice, I have apologized. It was imprecise. But I also would not--could not--use "my child" in place of "you" to make my point. That is not what I intended.
I DO think it is okay to generalize here. Others are absolutely free to disagree with those generalizations, to point out exceptions, to note where an argument falls apart. More power to you! Such debate is good and helpful. I'd like to think that no one here--newbie or no--is going to read anything written here and apply it to their own kids without critical thought.
The fact is that my opinion is a general one about GT kids, and it is one that is important to me. I will express it in general terms.