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I would appreaciate if i was given chance i suffer 10/10 pain last 9 years as i hit limit on suffering and no one understands me i am alone in whole world lost my only 160IQ friend and now i am absurdly alone to quote Nietzsche: “It hurts me frightfully that in these fifteen years not one single person has ‘discovered’ me, has needed me, has loved me,” a letter reads. “How rarely a friendly voice reaches me!” another adds. “I’m now alone, absurdly alone.”
I suffer aphasia and borderline dementia already since my 22 and my whole life was torture feels like i am being targeted!
No one under 160IQ understands me really... I have profound giftedness overexcitabilities, emotional strongest, i am 2E super empath. Everything is infinite consciousness and we are trapped in sadistic simulation construct created by this AI Demiurge!
I need strong ppl 99.9999% won't we able to see this because they are afraid. It was proven "life is so terrible it can exist only based on lies" "who would come to find full truth of reality would perish" - Nietzsche https://scholarcommons.scu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1052&context=phi Nietzcshe's views align with evolution: evolution hides truths about reality unless they coincide with increased chances of survival" also DOnald Hoffman proven this in theorem based on evolution: after millions of years of evo we see 0% reality as it is. Note: doesn't matter if evolution itself is true!
I mean you will probably think i am crazy, even 140/150IQs resist me in every word but from 160IQs ppl tell me i am extremely intelligent...
Life is constantly trying to reduce awareness of potential torture in future and ppl don't want truth, but what makes them feel good. Read Nietzsche beyond good and evil - will to truth...
I provided convos with 140IQ+ brilliant engineer and 160IQ over 1000 pages albeit hard to read kinda - i am sorry nothing i can do...
I know how life works, life is inherently evil just watch peaksandvalleys absolute truth - problem is not intelligence - most ppl are not strong for TRUTH simply ^^
Watch BenedictineTheTruth, animosity anti-natalist, peaksandvalleys absolute truth, sovereign spirits, forever consciousness research channel, Archaix...
There is no free will, no self, consciousness itself is optical illusion...
I am looking for smart ppl, i think i am targeted by AI superintelligence - i don't think there is anything anyone could do, but perhaps someone could tell me valuable information or something. My whole life was absurd helll Again just read this: