Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
I usually fall into the trap of, conferences aren't' until nearly NOvember. By then, the holiday hoopla starts so things get a bit better. Then there is winter break. Things will pick up at school in January but then things get bad again by late Feb, early March.

I think that's exactly how we got to March with out me taking action. Because it would ebb only to present itself full force again when whatever distraction went away. If I could have known that at the beginning of the year, I would have pulled him right after Christmas when I realized we were losing him and the school didn't care.

Originally Posted by Dazed&Confuzed
But he doesn't want to HS because he said he'd miss his school friends.

I've found that with DS6 (whose LOG is a complete mystery to me), if I point out that by choosing *not* to do something, he is in effect choosing something else, it helps to change his attitude towards the situation. By choosing not to be homeschooled because he wants to stay with his friends in school, he's choosing a certain amount of boredom and frustration while at school with his friends. I'm not saying it's fair, but it is what it is. It may be that being with his friends is that important to him, in which case it's going to require a certain amount of sucking it up on his part (with you working in the background to minimize the amount of sucking) or it may be that when he realizes that there are ways to see his friends and be homeschooled, he'll make a different choice.