Dazey -

I always meant to answer one of your old posts. The teachers absolutely insisted he was happy! And he was when he was learning and doing things without interruption from a few disruptive students. But most of the day he was hugely frustrated by work that was a review of his last year in private school and having to sit and wait while the various teachers tried to get control of the small group of kids in his class with behavioral issues. That (the classroom disruptions) was the worst part for him. He adjusted to not having to do much work or learning anything new. Even after we took him out, they were insisting he was happy. I talked to them and met with them and emailed them so many times. They just did not believe it. They were absolutely stunned when I emailed to say we were taking him out (emailed the superintendent and copied the teachers and the principal). I had told them that we were considering it and they just didn't believe it. And they said the class wasn't that bad - which I know is true, but it was that bad FOR HIM.

He loved his teachers and loved talking to them, so when they talked to him he seemed fine. Also, he didn't want to "insult" them by saying he wasn't happy. So I don't blame them for not noticing, but I do blame them for not believing ME.

That was the whole problem with public school last year. He did not fit the norm and the teachers did not know what to do with him. Even the principal dragged his feet, saying he used to have special enrichment for kids who scored 80 on some sort of test, but did away with it last year b/c what would he tell the parents whose kids scored 79. Yet, a few weeks after we took him out, I got the nicest note from him saying how hard it is to teach highly able kids, that it's very difficult to make it work in the classroom, and that it takes a special teacher who can recognize that the child is smarter than the teacher, the adult, and how these kids never fit into neat little check off boxes. It was very nice and validating to receive the email, and I understand that if he did anything for us, he'd have to deal with 1199 other families, but still, I had hoped he could have done something for DS.

Oh well, we have an absolutely fabulous year planned for him and I am very excited.

Last edited by questions; 08/21/08 08:55 AM. Reason: clarified re: classroom disruptions