My son had daily stomach aches which excalated to headaches. The first 4 weeks of school, he was symptom free. THen they returned but it seemed more to do w/ being tired from staying up too late and having to be on the track at 8:30am for track practice. As school approaches, he's getting worse.

For my son entering K, all kids must ride the school bus. Parents are not allowed in the school until the beginning of November at the earliest.

When DS was in K, a LOCKER ROOM had been converted to a K classroom. No kidding. The teacher didn't even have a desk. There was no standing room for the kids...just the tables and a rug for circle time. Then the music teacher volunteered her classroom and she'd move to that room since she deals w/ kids for a short period etc. I of course, wanted to see the new room . This was in october about 2 weeks before the magic day that parents can be in the school. So, there was a PTA meeting, so I snuck down the hall to peek at the class since I knew DS was at specials. I got *busted* on the way back to the front of the building and read the riot act from a teacher. Of course then at the next PTA meeting was a huge announcement about how parents were not allowed in the halls, they are to go to the cafeteria and exit the building upon end of the meeting. Not very welcoming is it? I later got accosted again by a teacher after DS's teacher told me to bring something to his classroom. I was there for Parent Gym day and had a name tag indicating as such. WEll, when you're there for Parent Gym day, you're supposed to enter and exit from the rear of the school at the gym so as to not go into the school building. So I got accosted yet again doing a favor for the teacher.

For my son entering 3rd grade, I heard from another parent that is the year when they cut the cord - you can only drop things off at the front desk, you can't go to the classroom. Even in 2nd grade, you could only drop things off at the front desk, you're not allowed to go to the classroom.

sorry.....I guess I started my own little rant .....