Hi frostcry -

you say:
For some reason I am afraid of the testing. I do not think there is anything " wrong " with him. I think this is just the beginning of a long school experience where they do not know what or how to work with him, because he is not usual. We as a family want to do and give him everything he needs toi keep him healthy, happy.

I say - I followed the school reccomendations at it was exactly as you fear, and that kind of thing goes on the kid's "permanent record" - the paper one and the one in the minds of the parents and the teachers.

It doesn't help and it is likely to hurt. Debbie has been inside the system - listen to her.

I also think that sbtmom makes some very good points. An easy thing to do is set up a playdate with some older kids and observe. If you go for testing, be very sure it is with someone who is highly familiar with testing gifted kids.

Best Wishes,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com