You might be encouraged to hear my story of mom wondering if I was LD when I was a toddler but later getting a HG+ score on an IQ test I took in college.

While a teenager, my mom 'fessed up to me that when I was younger she thought I was a LOT less smart than my two-year older brother, who was super-inquisitive and taught himself to read at 4 (like she did). I was a placid, daydreamy child who was apparently always doing things that made her wonder if I was LD.

I didn't learn to read until first grade. By 4th grade, I was reading everything I could get my hands on, including the encyclopedias and Shakespeare's plays. Even then, though, my brother seemed so frustrated that I couldn't do all the math he could do --- and I think he thought I was not as smart either. He always got better grades. Almost always straight As, when I got As, Bs, and even a C and a D in h.s.

By the time she told me this, my brother and I had both been in a gifted program for a few years, with me scoring 5 points higher on the IQ test to get in. (Keep in mind, we took it the same year and he was two years older, so I'm guessing he hit the ceiling.)

I later took an IQ test in college from a grad student because it got me extra credit in psych 100 and tested a score so much higher than the earlier one that I didn't take it seriously -- until I started reading up on GT issues because of DS9 and learned about different tests having test ceilings, the SB L-M having higher ones and favoring verbal skills. Also, I'm still wondering if the grad student made some sort of computing mistake on my score!

Now, even though I've figured out I'm not -really- smarter than my brother, who must have hit the ceiling of the test because of his age, and who is truly more roundly gifted, excellent at both math and language, I have still NEVER told him. LOL.

Almost everybody my brother knows eventually comments on how smart he is, and he shrugs it off by saying that he has a sister who is even smarter. How can I give that up?

I guess I -should- tell him at some point.

My mom told me my IQ score as a teen when I said I was not as smart as my brother. My brother overheard my score, and then demanded to know his.


feeling weird about talking about my IQ score, even here!