Note... as i got to the end of this i realized this became more like a confessional than a question... to whomever reads through the whole thing... Thank you! And any thoughts will be MOST welcome... smile

I'm not sure why this has become such a pressing issue for me, but it seems to come up (in my head) way too often... I'll start by saying hello - since I'm new. I'll also say that it is both nice to "see" other people who have children who are "different" (and proud of it!) and humbling to see that even my smarty-pants 6-yo is no where near the level of giftedness that some of you describe!

That said - my older boy has been tested (req. for school, but it started as a way for me to show myself that i wasn't crazy and that i wasn't just thinking he was smart b.c he was my boy...). What he is (MG, HG, PG...all those) is beyond me. He was 144 on the... oh boy, the one for younger kids, the psychologist suggested we test him again after 6 on the next test b/c he hit so many of the subtests at the highest level. Anyway, he wasn't ridiculously ahead on things- or at least not that i remember, but he was my first and we don't know lots of folks with kids, so hard to tell. He was (and IS!) highly verbal, and we officially realized he was reading (and not just memorizing stuff) when he was just shy of 4. He has a ridiculous memory, and is a geography and space nut.

But enough about him, that's just to put my question in context. (sorry for the length, but there is a lot in my head...)... Ok. So then there's my little man. He's 3.5 years younger than big man, and at 2yrs 8 months this month, he's a definite 2 and a half year old (testing testing testing!). And... while there are moments when i tell myself - holy COW! he's JUST like his older brother! - there are other times when i'm just not so sure.

I will say that if he's NOT gifted like big man, that's ABSOLUTELY OK. But the fact that it seems to consume me some days... i think it's the not knowing. And the fact that we found a FABULOUS school for big man, and the thought that little man won't be able to be in a school that challenges him or cares for him the way that big man's does.... I think that's what scares me the most.

Little man is NOT like some of the kids you guys describe. At 32 months he knows his colors, and he will tell you ALL SORTS of wonderful stories in tons of detail (he's as verbal as big brother, but has a better imagination and an even higher love of music, so many of his stories are also invented songs). He's hysterical (great sense of humor) and his memory sometimes is freakish, like brother. But, he doesn't read. (but i don't think big man could either at this age..) He knows some of his letters, but not all. He can count to 20-ish, but generally without 7 and 17 (big brother also skipped the 7s, not sure why...). He's not doing math exercises or anything like that. And while he likes puzzles ok (he was obsessed with a Shrek 100 piece puzzle around 2 yrs old, but now he could care less - he'll focus on 24 pieces for a bit and then he's off), he doesn't love them like big man. He loves (verging on obsession) snowmen. And the moon. And his cars. And that seems EXACTLY like what 32 month old should love. Nothing out of the ordinary. Which is fine. Except...

I wonder. He adores big brother and wants NOTHING MORE than to go to school with him. it breaks my heart to think he might not be able to. But then again, he might... I guess - to the point of my question - what are the chances of him being similar in intelligence to big brother? What are the chances that he won't? I don't anticipate under any scenario that they'll be the same... nor do i want that - i enjoy and appreciate their differences too much! But i do wonder...

If you took the time to read my utter and complete confusion and rambling, thank you! I appreciate any thoughts, advice, etc.

Last edited by sfb; 07/19/08 12:33 AM.