Just my 2 cents: DS7 (was tested at almost 5) and DD5 (who was tested at 3.5y) took different tests (WPPSI v.SB5) with 2 different psychologists and they scored 1 pt difference. I was shocked at DD since she is decidedly different than DS7. Her interests do not seem as "academic" as his and therefore, not as "intelligent." For example, he loves to learn about space, oceans, trains, etc. and reading. She loves princesses (much to my chagrin although I am glad she is not still in the Thomas the Tank Engine phase that she accompanied DS7 on), clothes, and reading. She has an excellent memory and is very conscientious. DS is more of an absent minded professor type. She is nurturing and at times, seems like the big sister rather than the little sister, etc... Genes, birth order, gender - all are influential factors.