Oh, it sure is! crazy Thanks for your kind wishes, and the same to you!

The worry about LDs comes in waves for me. I'll be fine for weeks, not thinking about it at all, and then something happens or we pass some milestone--his 4th birthday was a biggie for me, since he wasn't reading yet, and his big brother read by 3.5yo--and I get panicky again.

Mostly I just don't want to be missing some prime chance to help him if he has an LD. Younger is definitely better for that sort of thing, so I'd rather not miss opportunities. But then again, I can't very well march into the doctor and say, "My 4yo isn't reading yet. What's wrong with him?" They'd laugh the crazy mother out of the office, you know?!

I have been planning to wait until he's in K to get him tested, since that way I can have the school pay for it. But I'm not sure I'll be able to wait that long, frankly... eek

Anyway, it's good to have virtual friends who know what you're going through. smile
