Thanks to all of you! it always help to hear different perspectives, experiences, and paths of progress (as well as similar fears/confusion!!!). Patience is not my virtue on some things... and on this one, i think I'm so in love with big man's school that i can only hope for such an education for little man (with the knowledge, as well, that we have to be SURE it's the right school for him b.c the $$ is a bit prohibitive and would require sacrifices...).
LilMick - your note about knowing whether it's as good a school for little man as it is for big man is one to which i've also given thought... while he wants to go there REALLY bad, it may not ultimately be the right school for him (regardless of whether he's GT or not)...
So, i keep watching and waiting. I'm not 100% happy with where he is right now, so that doesn't help... But nothing tangible, so i just need to get over it.
it really IS great to hear about different development paths to GT. I'm an only child so no comparisons with me... and my husband and his sister are very similar in development paths. (we're all some level of GT, though i have no idea what...).
In the meantime, i'm trying to enjoy the heck out of both of them every day.
Had a sad, sad event this week - the father of one of big man's classmates, who also happened to be a teacher at his school (and was going to be his 1st grade teacher - a much anticipated event) passed away after a very tragic and sudden accident. Young, vibrant, and amazing, it's a horrible loss for everyone - his family, the school, everyone who knew him. And through the loss, it reminds me to make the most of every second with my family and my boys. Whatever they may end up being, and though we will do our best to provide the best learning environment so they can grow to their fullest, above and beyond ANYTHING else, it's the time we spend together playing, laughing, learning, exploring, and loving eachother that is the MOST important thing for us right now.
This was a sobering reminder of this. i can stress all i want, but so long as i'm focused on each of them in the NOW.
hug your children, love your families.
and thank you for the support you provide to so many of us who are floundering!