I spend an insane amount of time obsessing on the kids level of GT, one minute I'm convinced they're absolutely GT, the next minute I'm not even sure they're fully human, lol. I would guess that it's pretty normal when the kids are small, before they've fully shown themselves to worry about how they're going to turn out. I think with kids who are advanced, like so many other things with gifted kids, that worry is taken to a whole new level.
I have the opposite situation, though. I knew my DS6 was smart, but I never considered him gifted because he's *exactly* like I am and it was easier to explain away the things he did because they seemed normal to me. I didn't really sit up and take notice until he taught himself to read at almost 5 (and really I think before then since he'd been writing since just after he turned 4). I didn't *really* believe until he sped through our 1st grade math curriculum in 2 months right after we pulled him from Kindergarten. That's hard to ignore, lol.
But, my DS4 I've been thinking he's gifted for about a year. He's so *different* from me. He's so logical and willful, but not in an obstinate, emotional way, but he knows what he thinks and believes and he doesn't care if you like it. He sees patterns and is very analytical. Even though he didn't say a word until almost 2, when he started talking it was the same level as DS6 who had been talking since 6 month old. He's definitely "still water runs deep". I suspect he's like my DH was as a kid.
Then DD22mo is so different from any of us. She is much more interested in letters and numbers than the boys were. She speaks as well as the boys did at her age, but somehow her topics are more complex. Yesterday she was standing at the storm door watching DH mow the lawn, she wanted to go out with him, but I told her no, she thought for a minute and said "Open door Mommy, Ho-Ho (Santa Clause) coming!". The boys would have just thrown themselves down, lol.
They're all completely different from each other, they're all advanced (if not gifted) in their own ways. It's so much fun watching them interact, each one brings something completely different to the table, each one has something to offer when they play and it's so interesting to see how they really compliment each other.