My kids fall in the very similar IQ range (within just a few points), but very very different kiddos. Like many others here, one (DS11) was the 'showy' gifted type -- insatiably curious, passionate about his interests. My younger (DD9) we knew was *bright* but would never have assumed gifted. She was tested when she became a behavior problem in 2nd grade (boredom, lack of appropriate work). Thankfully our principal suggested the testing, b/c I don't think I even would have. Turns out she's the one with the higher scores... LOL!

eta: btw, DD didn't start reading early. Partly or largely b/c of her perfectionism: she'd have had to admit less than perfect knowledge if she admitted to reading early whereas by the time she "learned" in school, she was well beyond her peers (we knew she was reading - she could tell us what words said w/out having seen them before or w/out having memorized a book, but she would claim that wasn't reading LOL). DS, on the other hand, began reading at 3. Their verbal score is their high one, and they are the same (slightly different scores on subtests, but the overall verbal is the same).

Last edited by Pinecroft; 02/24/16 11:17 AM.