Just have to say I'm very curious about this. DH was gifted; his sister was never assessed and I would doubt she was. It's always been a source of contention in his family (not the gifted label -- DH didn't know he was gifted because there were not G&T programs in his school, but his mom showed me his assessments). But regardless of labels, DH was the "smart one" and that's really frustrating for a sibling. His sister certainly wasn't stupid...just average.

My DD4 is suspected gifted and it's very "showy". I feel bad for DS3 because gifted or not, we always underestimate him. I was reflecting the other day on how DD was reading and writing at 3 and thinking that DS didn't even know his alphabet (although I knew he could recognize his name and his sister's name). Cue 2 weeks later I realize he knows all his letters, can write his name, and recognizes his friends' names too. Yesterday he spent all day organizing various objects in our home from tallest to shortest. Nothing mind-blowing, nothing that screams "gifted"..but he's certainly bright, and I'm only just now starting to realize it. Given the answers in his thread, I'll probably have him assessed when he's in kindergarten just like DD will be (assuming DD4 is actually assessed as gifted).