DD was at the ceiling of some school tests and had done extremely well on the EXPLORE, so we took the DC to a tester listed on Hoagies who was experienced with gifted children. DD and DS both had higher reasoning scores than index scores on the WISC, and we were told that the GAI was the more accurate composite. Still, she calculated both for us. DC have different personalities, but both seem quite bright.

DD - Higher VCI and PSI. DS - Higher PRI and WMI. Scores were within 1 point FSIQ of each other, and within 3 points GAI. Both DC qualified for extended norms in VCI, and DS's surprised me because DD is more obviously verbally gifted (which made me think DS was not, but apparently, that is all relative).

We tested DD first and her scores convinced us that we needed to figure out DS sooner rather than later, for planning purposes.