DS8 FSIQ = 122
DS7 FSIQ = 150

DS8 loves Lego building since he was younger than 3. He could follow the instruction booklet and put a Lego set (that is for 3-4 years older) together on his own. He started reading before K and his comprehension is always on the higher level than his peers. He memorizes his Karate moves after one or two demonstrations from the teacher. He can quickly remember the facts in social studies and contains that information very well. However, he did not show much of the characteristics of a gifted kid so we did not think of having him tested until we got the results for DS7. All his subtests are at or above 75% but his FRI was 97%. Thanks to aeh's explanations, I found out that all the above abilities are most likely due to his high fluid reasoning abilities. He could be considered optimally gifted which means that he should be expected to be a high level academic performer among his classmates. On the social side, he has no problem "fitting in" with his peers. He's always been the "best" student that every teacher wants. Basically, he's just a normal 3rd grader with above average IQ.

OTOH, my DS7 was far from normal since he was little. He showed many traits of giftedness. He showed intense interest in alphabets, socialized much better with adults and older kids than his peers and memorized and could free-handily draw the US states/map before the age of 5, just to name a few.

So yes, from the same parents and same environment, we have two very different kids in every aspect. We just need to have different parenting approaches for them.

Last edited by ajinlove; 02/03/16 09:41 AM.