I know that they say that siblings' IQs are usually within 10 points of each other...but how often is that really the case? Do a lot of parents on this forum have multiple gifted kids or are there a lot of people hanging around with one PG kid and one normal kid? Which is more likely? Also, the higher the IQ of one...does that mean the likelihood increases of higher IQ of a sibling? Is is more common to have a 130 and a 110 vs a 160 and a 110? I know what they say and what I have heard, but I was wondering, IRL, what the statistics are.

We have two sons: DYS5 is very obviously gifted. Passionate and crazy advanced in math, reading at 2, that sort of thing. It's kind of impossible to miss just how advanced he is. Then there is DS2. SO different. Different personality, different EQ, vastly different interests. He doesn't want to play with numbers and words and academic things like his brother. He's fanatical about Frozen, and dressing up, and pretend play of all kinds, like legos but he actually plays with the little lego people, vs building machines. That sort of thing. I always think it's funny just how different two kids can be, from the same parents. We obviously do very different things with DS2, because we follow interest. Also, getting him to do anything he doesn't want to do is an exercise in futility. But then there are hints of things. He is precociously verbal...doesn't really talk like a 2 year old. He knows a ton of weird shapes in addition to the normal ones...octagon, rhombus, parallelogram, cube, cylinder....I mean, he knows his letters and has a quantity sense of up to maybe 5? Can count to ten and can get to 20ish or higher (but it gets all funky past 12.) In other words, in a lot of ways, compared to what DS5 was doing at 2...he just seems way closer to normal. Clearly he's bright, and if that's all he is, that's fine, but I also don't want him to slip through the cracks if he is gifted, because he presents in a vastly different way than his older brother. He will make his way in the world just fine with his intense tenacity and flair for the dramatic, that's for sure. I was just curious about other families with multiple kids and what kinds of combinations you see in terms of giftedness vs not. And if anyone has a kid that SEEMED super gifted vs one that didn't.

Last edited by Marnie; 02/02/16 07:37 PM.