Marnie, pardon me for pointing this out... but your youngest sounds HG+ to me, though more in the verbally sense than the mathy one. My DYS-level son sounds a lot like him when he was 2. Precocious talker, can count to ten (keep in mind that's quite unusual at 2), classifications of unusual objects, favors imaginative play... all of that sounds eerily familiar.

My kid's social intelligence ended up being astounding. He can get along with almost anyone he meets, be it younger kids, age mates, teenagers, or adults. He exudes confidence in nearly every situation, and many kids seem to admire him. Yet he seemed "stealthily gifted" to us because he wasn't doing things like reading early or algebra at the age of 5. I guess our perspective was a bit skewed...

I think you're likely underestimating him simply because you're comparing him to his sibling.

Last edited by George C; 02/03/16 06:38 AM.