Originally Posted by eco21268
Originally Posted by greenlotus
•DD -"I have to do my homework NOW!!!!" (the voice getting higher and shriller as the conversation moves forward). Me - "When is it due?" DD- "Next week."
Oh geez, this is my DD to a tee. She went nutso on me two weeks ago about needing a poster board (right this minute! at 9 pm!) for a project due on Oct. 21. On the bright side: this is still preferable to DS' style--which would be to remember the project on...Oct. 21.

Anxiety is pretty common with ADHD and that's how I frame this--even though it is really difficult, especially when suffering from caretaker fatigue. My DD doesn't have an ADHD diagnosis, but *could* probably. She doesn't need medication so it's a moot point for us right now. She absolutely has high levels of anxiety and perfectionism.
My DS16's the one who would tell you at 9pm the night before. (He has gotten better) So while I feel your pain there are a lot of us that wish we were in that boat.

I'm in agreement it sounds like anxiety. One of my DS's biggest challenges is anxiety. Frustrating to work with defiantly you have all my sympathy. Take lots of deep breaths. Perhaps put yourself in a timeout sometimes. My experience (so far) was the preteen years were worst and that things did get a bit better with maturity.