DD10 is a very young 10 (birthday late Spring) and now in middle school (6th). I love her to the moon and back, but sometimes I just want to pull my hair out!!! Can I just vent please?
•Book project. My question to DD -"Who else do you know had to work to survive?" DD - "No one." Me - "Really?" DD - "Everyone has to try to survive. You have to breathe to survive." Me (rolling my eyes) "Ok, there has to be SOMEBODY in one of your books who struggled." DD - "Oh, there were these guys stuck in the Antarctica who ate dogs and some of the guys died because the dogs' livers had too much iron," on and on (so she pulled out this incredible story that's stored away in her brain, but why is it so hard to get this from her!!!!!!!)
•Perfectionism - "My teacher will kill me if I don't do it!!!" I try to use humor to stop that, but it doesn't always work.
•She's pulling straight A's without trouble except for band. I HATE band. She is not very musically talented, but she tries soooo hard, and just freaks out over her scales. Every day she is losing it over the squeaking instrument. She actually says it's her favorite class!! She says "It challenges me." Me too!!
•DD -"I have to do my homework NOW!!!!" (the voice getting higher and shriller as the conversation moves forward). Me - "When is it due?" DD- "Next week."
•If I don't supervise, handing jeans, underwear, etc as needed, DD will be found reading in bed in jammies (or less) with just 10 minutes to go before DH drives her and other DD to school. ADHD of course, I know.

I have to say that DD is doing so much better. Amazingly she gets her homework to school and home (miracle of miracles). She puts her clothes away without having a hissy fit (we set up a contract that covers this and other issues). BUT, it's just exhausting to parent her sometimes. If she isn't an artist when she grows up, she will make a great lawyer for all her great arguing!!!

Thanks for the ear (s)!!!!

PS - I read this over and realized it sounds like a typical kid on this site, and I have talked about some of this before. I just get tired sometimes, and lately have been griping at her too much so I feel a lot of remorse. I made an effort to make the morning routine funny today.