Oh, I don't really have high blood pressure. It FEELS like I do when I listen to them, though! (as in, I feel my body reacting to their bickering) So in that sense, I am having a physical reaction.

I'm not totally resistant to family counseling, but without getting too far into this, we already have one member of the family in CBT, another member about to be evaluated this summer and likely treated, one more being watched for some other issues...family counseling is feeling like a bit much at the moment. wink I do feel it is bad, but it's hard for me to judge if it's way out there. I know families where kids are physically hitting each other and/or calling each other mean names, taking/destroying each others' stuff, etc. We don't have that here, but we do have a persistent atmosphere of negativity, unpleasant interactions, quickness to anger, and contentiousness.