Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by greenlotus
How does one deal with a child who is younger than average who sees all the "big" kids get cell phones, electronics etc . Do you go by age or grade level?
Possibly go by family values and school policy. I've known children as young as kindergarten with a simple, inexpensive cell phone "for emergency use", such as "missed the bus". This is different than having a phone to display; Some schools disallow cell phones and clarifying language allows students to possess a cell phone but not to display it (cell phone must stay in locker or backpack and not be used during school hours).
What I did was give my child a phone at an when when I needed to be in touch with my child. I got my phones on the late side for this area, my DD in 8th grade & DS the summer before 9th grade. I know 2nd graders and younger who have phones and I would say a large percentage of kids in my area have phones by junior high.

I framed it along the lines of do you need a phone to communicate with mom or dad. Phones are expensive , require responsibility and not just toys. They need to be old enough they can take responsibility to not loose the phone, to have it on them when needed and keep it charged. I got My kids phones when it made MY LIFE better because the cell phone works as an electronic leash. My teen can text me, I'll be late home from school because of X. The football game is over now. Or I can text my child that I'm running 30 minutes late. The question then turns more general. Are the 'older' kids given more independence? Are they going to the mall or movies with friends and no adults? Do they walk/bike home from school.

A relative of mine did who didn't want to get their daughter a phone, but whos pre-teen was getting electronic envy looked for a used device that wasn't connected to cell service. This had the advantage it couldn't be use to connect to the internet everywhere, if wasn't a huge deal if it got lost or damaged, and it cost a lot less. I ended up sending her a used iTouch we had lying around.