Personally, I think "challenge" is the wrong word. It's not what I want for anyone. Challenging means too hard. To me, getting through school as a giftie IS challenging! What I'm after is "excited by".
I don't particularly want either of my kids to be challenged - I want them to be excited and interested by what they're learning and to have a sense of achievement.
I guess I just don't feel doing the same boring stuff at a harder level is that fun

I dunno what it is about the education system that it sucks all the joy out of learning. Just too prescriptive I guess.
DS was challenged by a couple of papers early on at university which was really just a sign he was doing the wrong papers. A bit of a switch in majors, and he's excited/interested/achieving instead - learning what he wants in the way that he wants - all A's, and honor's degree, and getting published and speaking engagements and looking at a Master's … Totally loving it and doing amazing work but not finding it "a challenge" .
Phone = age 11. Bam