Originally Posted by squishys
I think the challenge comes from the amount of acceleration, rather than a particular grade level. DS is essentially grade skipped now (a skip, while maintaining his year level officially) and being further accelerated in maths and literacy five and three grades ahead, respectively. He is finally being challenged! He could probably do harder science, aside from that he LOVES school. I worry about next year, however, once he is doing beyond what his school can teach in maths. But that's another story.
Yes! It will be interesting to see how next year's math class plays out. As stated, the girls will take 2 1/2 years of math in one year. The last 2 years of middle school math will be high school level. So 3 years ahead DD10, 2 years DD11. But then what? Do the next math classes move quickly? And science is DD10's love (other than technology and writing and art grin). That's been her highest level test scores. I really hope she can learn something new and exciting in science but am scaling back my hopes after hearing from most of you here!