Our DD10 was accelerated from 4th to 5th about 2 months ago. As we are facing middle school next Fall, I will be asking lots of questions about that over the next few weeks. But, I wonder, will she find challenging work in MS? She will be in some kind of advanced LA next year. and she and DD11 (also in 5th) will be in compacted math (it's 6th, 7th, and half of 8th in one year). Have I unrealistically built up middle school in my mind as the place where some challenge might finally happen? Ours is a magnet middle school with almost 100 electives so I have had this wonderful dream that finally DD would find her "place" and take enjoyable, mind stretching classes. DD asked yesterday "Is AIG suppose to be easy?" She was baffled by the fact that that those classes are soooo not. Sigh.
I guess tagged to this question is - I have no idea what DD is capable of. When does that question get answered? Where and when do those brain cells get "stretched"? Love to hear others' experiences with their kids.