Originally Posted by Dude
My not-at-all-professional opinion is that there are significant contraindications here, so no worries.

NVLD - Whiz at hidden picture game. He can do a puzzle well, he just prefers not to. Some of his food preparation activities are direct analogs to cutting and pasting. Handling a screwdriver requires more coordination than handling a pen or a paint brush. My strength is in non-verbal, and I also had limited interest in Legos/blocks, zero interest in art projects.

ADHD - Well behaved in public. Focused on reading. The bouncing around during TV shows is probably indicative of the fact that it leaves a lot of his cognitive power unused.

So, rather than these two hypotheses, I'd propose that some of your concerns indicate he's exhibiting some task-avoidant perfectionism, he's extremely extroverted, and displays some overexcitabilities/sensitivities. None of these are a second E, but they're worth working on.

As for the social connection with other kids and preferring adults, I wouldn't worry about that for now, although it would probably be worth looking into connecting him with older kids, if possible.

All good, common sense advice. Thanks for the shot in the arm, Dude.

What is to give light must endure burning.