Given the ability to handle small tools in an expert fashion, it doesn't immediately match NLD for me with the quick scan I did of the NLD article.
Cognitively and behaviorally, sounds quite similar to my PG child at that age range (although mine was not yet really a reader, that happened about age 5 and he adored jigsaw puzzles, otherwise much the same). That child also didn't really like Legos until about age 7, but would build big structures out of cans, blocks, shoes, etc... He also wasn't super interested in self-care... until he was...
I wonder re: the other aspects about sensory issues or just plain old asynchronous development combined with high LOG which makes things seem even more out-of-the-ordinary. I would monitor but don't know that I would worry too much. Others may have more expert opinions.
Thanks ConnectingDots. I've had my eye on the sensory stuff for a while, as I had similar vestibular issues as a child (and still do as an adult). It's a fine line between watchful waiting and seeing pathology where it doesn't exist, I find!