Some may say that this is a sign of a very highly evolved individual.

Being able to edit, clarify, provide additional context, and/or delete posts is a benefit of this forum.
No reason worrying about somebody else's level of self consistency that doesn't meet mine. There are probably people who find my required level of consistency totally lacking as well.
Looked at another way, seeking clarification may help individuals examine their beliefs, what informed them, and clarify their view. This can sometimes help a person leap ahead light years in their advocacy.
After I am no longer worrying about said person or group, I can move on to the more pragmatic actions.
Agreed. And yet a gifted forum is, for many individuals, their only peek into the gifted community; The impressions they form in reading a gifted forum may linger, grow, and form policy and practice.
For example, an unchallenged misconception that PG kids tend to score average on IQ tests may lead to a corollary based on the inverse: that an average score on an IQ test tends to indicate a child is profoundly gifted. For this reason, some may find it pragmatic, even necessary, to ask/probe/seek clarification.
This brings to mind the recent thread on
The Overvalued Child.