I'm confused, are you using PG and gifted as synonyms? Generally, gifted refers to somewhere around 125-130 IQ (depending on school district) and PG to 145+ IQ. Population-wide they are the top 5% and 0.01%, respectively. But, in your local area 125 might be the top 20%, and if you live in Los Alamos it might qualify you for remedial work. It's all relative.

When I'm tempted to feel all woe is me about how much harder I have it than someone whose child is MG or optimally gifted I remind myself how individual kids are. You really can't sum up the entirety of a child in a number. Maybe their kid has executive function issues, or the most incredible knack for telling a story, and therefore school is a trial for them too. Even two kids with the same FSIQ can have both wildly differing strengths AND interact with the world in wildly different ways. And they can all be cool, amazing little people.

Maybe take this fight as a good reminder to listen with an open heart (I sound like a yoga teacher, but you know what I mean). It is hard to realise that even in a group of parents supposedly dealing with the same issues that you're not all dealing with the same issues. I'd have to hold my tongue around you the same way you have to hold your tongue around these people, and the parent of the athletically talented kid has to hold their tongue, or the incredible musician's parent, etc, etc. Or we could all accept that everyone's different and be supportive of each other. Maybe this person who's annoying you feels terribly inadequate themselves and is trying to build up their kid to compensate? I dunno, I just don't think you can go far wrong being kind and gentle with people, including yourself.

Last edited by Tallulah; 11/27/14 10:46 PM.