All are welcome!
It has been stated by several posters that one need not be PG to benefit from the forums... however embellishing one's intellectual gifts or level of gifted (LOG) may not be helpful, especially in the context of giving BTDT advice to others.

indigo, it seems that I'm not the only one who feels somewhat unwelcome by comments such as the above.
People choose their own feelings. Some may raise taking offense to an art form. Here is a
recent post which discusses taking a stand for free speech and thought (foregoing politically-correct coddling and the issuance of "trigger warnings" which are meant to avoid potentially offending anyone). While the setting in the linked article is a college campus, the same underlying principles may apply in other venues.
For reasons I won't get into at this point, I am rather convinced that DS6's test results do not necessarily accurately reflect his LOG. I would be interested in starting a post on that topic because I'm a bit flummoxed by what's going on with him. But when folks make statements like the above, it makes me want to leave the forum altogether.
On the forums, agreement is not necessary. Please do not expect all posters to agree with you at all times.
Why would it matter so much whether anyone is embellishing theirs or their child's LOG anyway?
This has been addressed by other posters:
I do care, because making a claim about being "PG" when it isn't true can lead to all kinds of problems. For example, if people are fabricating giftedness, their posts can't be trusted. Yet we can't know who's making it up, and so parents here may be believing advice based on experiences that never happened. This could tend to harm their children rather than help them.
Also, if a false claim of giftedness is made in real life, it can make teachers cynical when an actual HG+ kid comes along. How many of us have had to convince teachers that our kids really are gifted in the face of a belief that parents make it up? That belief isn't formed in a vacuum.
(And if anyone here is fabricating giftedness, please stop that.)
Everyone knows that they can't take advice proffered on here as gospel
Possibly this is part of the reason you are hesitant to post about your aforementioned dilemma?