We tend to restrict screen time somewhat but not excessively so.

Our DD has been a Rainbow Loom addict and YouTube could be called glueTube as far as that is concerned. I have also relented and purchased Minecraft to help her gain social capital. She also plays chess on the computer and does her AoPS pre-algebra class.

I grew up in the UK in the Seventies and TV or 'The Telly' as it was called was used as a pacifier/ babysitter quite extensively but with limits. TV these days just doesn't compare quality-wise to the BBC and ITV programming then. As a result DD watches zero Cable TV except sports games but we have a Rokuwhich allows us to watch commercial free documentaries and movies. This is used as a reward for good behaviour and is entirely provisional on it every Friday evening.

As a family we will also play on our Wii too and this one does have to be watched and regulated - too much of this seems to follow an pattern of overexcitement leading eventually to overtiredness with resultant bad behaviour.

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