I certainly allow my DS15 too much screen time now that he is a teenager. Most of this is time computer and games (DS, Wii, Nintendo). Both DH & I spend a lot of time on the computer, and I find unrealistic to tell a teenager to do as I say but not as I do. We watch occasional movies, but little TV.

When my son a toddler/preschooler he watched very little TV/movies and when he did it was mostly nature documentaries. He had his favorite shows, and a few favorite computer games. Tablets didn't exist, cell phones were just phones. I didn't like those educational "tablets" or other electronic push the buttons games. I even got him his first DS later than most kids his age. I broke down and got him one when I was dragging him to a LOT of sports events for his sister.

I certainly think it's very easy to give kids these days too much screen time, and probably hard to not give them enough.