Originally Posted by slammie
Because my husband was diagnosed with ADD (which happened after we got together due to me asking him to pursue this avenue..I mean why else could a highly intelligent person be so disorganized, constantly be late, have trouble with rote memorization at school

I have trouble understanding how a highly intelligent person could allow their brain to be limited by rote, disconnected material without deep semantical contexts, or shackled to a schedule that requires consistency and constrains spontanaeity, or numb their creativity by living in a dead space with things hidden and organized. It baffles me, but I know there are people like this. Maybe it's OCD?

As to electronics, we have full on buffet with no limits. I so rarely see any studies that actually are design to included gifted and especially highly gifted as a part of their design in evaluating potential impacts of anything on kid's development. If they don't, I take their results with a grain of salt.

If schools have a technology class, I don't imagine any harm in limiting electronics outside of school.