Originally Posted by ultramarina
Conversations in the car definitely came up when DD and I discussed this! She was like "But YOU CAN'T look at me in the car! We don't have any eye contact in the car!" Like--HA! Set and match, mom! And I thought--huh, we do have good conversations in the car, don't we?
I find the car very good for having those discussions DS doesn't want to have. He doesn't have to look at me in the eye and my attention is distracted. I think he figured I might get less upset or mad. That and there isn't much else to do but talk with mom or look out the window, since he gets terribly car sick. He really reveals more of his innermost feelings during talks in the car. I already have something I want to talk with him about that I was planing on bringing up during the drive to his music lesson this afternoon. Maybe I should re-think this plan to teach him to drive, since I'll miss all that conversation time. grin