Originally Posted by mayreeh
Grinity - Yes, Snoopy is wildly underchallenged at school and things have only gotten worse over the summer. Having a tough time with him. Doesn't want summer homeschool - which is really what he needs to maintain his sanity. But is refusing to self-challenge these days. While Barbie has taken to reading huge novels, he has reverted to reading nothing but video game manuals.

He has only skipped one grade, but 2 years ago, it was recommended that he skip an additional two grades. I just can't see him doing that though. And, in fairness, at least during the months prior to the science olympiad, he is fully engaged in school and in studying for the contest. The problem is that after it is over, there is nothing to challenge him.


video game manuals - I love those things! If only you could find a game manual that showed him how to do programing - my son has one that's called: Legal ways to Hack World of Worcraft, or something like that, and he's totally in love. That is at 11, not sure he would have nibbled last year, though. Are any of his favorate games 'hack-able?' Also - can he find any forums about his favorite video games and start posting his tips or reviews? At least this gets them writing. But yes, unless you can get him involved enough to self-enrich with the computer games, you will have to insist on summer school - perhaps a local community college class instead of just 'mom'? or a high school teacher mentor? I totally believe that the sib thing is a symptom of poor fit, rather than a 'cause.' Of course it will show up there - they are so availible, and it gets your attention, right? At least he isn't throwing chairs!

If money is an issue, I think one can audit community college classes for free. You just have to sit with him or find a teen to do it.

I do hope that his teachers will 'remember' what they learned last year, but I still think you need a plan to help them 'enrich.' Online class at school?

Would he be willing to take what he knows from Science Olympiade and write his own 'video game manual' style book/powerpoint/website - "Insiders tips to Powning the Scienc Olympiade?" How many months does preperation take care of? How many does that leave?

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