Looking for advice here.

DS 9 is a DYS. Classic PG kid - self taught reader at 2, read dictionaries and encyclopedias for fun, etc etc.

DD 8 is a hider. She finally cooperated with testing - or at least some portions of the test - and she has a verbal IQ that would qualify her for DYS, just not the achievement test scores to back it up. (Yes we will probably apply anyway, too close not to. That is the topic for a different day though.)

Anyway - DS is resenting that DD is getting attention for being smart. Despite our best efforts at encouraging him to identify himself as more than just smart, smart is central to his self image. Seeing DD as smart hurts him terribly.

What is more, he has gotten into the habit of putting forth no effort. After all, it isn't generally required. She, however, is just getting into the habit of putting forth effort. As such, she is showing him up right and left.

While she isn't really rubbing it in, she is enjoying it. Who can blame her after all these years of adoring smart big brother - she can compete with him if she puts her head to it.

Meanwhile, he is hating it. Who can blame him after all these years of seeing himself as the smart one and her as the one who needs his help.

How do we get past this stage as quickly and painlessly as possible?

Thanks for any ideas -

