Originally Posted by fwtxmom
I seem to remember that your school is strangely suspicious of dysgraphia. Do you think that is driving what is going on here?
Very early on in my 2E journey I attended a multiple day training on advocating in the IEP process for kids with learning disabilities. One of the presenters (on Assistive Technology) was the director of a local special ed school. She referred to "dysgraphia" using air quotes and rolling her eyes as she said it. She made the comment that "true dysgraphia" does exist but is very rare. She seemed to imply that every parent whose kid has sloppy handwriting tries to get them labeled as "dysgraphic". I have not been impressed by what I have heard about their program so I didn't give it much thought. I assume, though, that if the director of a special ed school felt this way it is probably a school of thought and might be driving some of the suspicion.

Of course my DD has had 2 neuropsychologists label her as dysgraphic so even if our school district felt this way they would have to accommodate. As with so many things with our kids different experts can look at the same set of facts and categorically insist that different interpretations are correct.

Irena - at a certain point I started pushing for moving away from handwriting for DD. "It is obvious that handwriting is not going to be successful as a means of communication for her." The OT at our public was insistent that keyboarding was inappropriate before 5th grade. The AT evaluation disagreed. Now at her out of district placement she uses her iPad throughout her day. Doing math on her iPad made all the difference. There are many options for apps that will allow him to be successful in math and work around his challenges. If they want to use his strength in math to help remediate his dysgraphia they can do that during OT time. I don't think they have to take time away from math class if he enjoys it. It MAY be that they are trying to go through his strengths to address his weaknesses, which may indicate that someone has finally started doing some homework on 2E. If so it may be a clumsy attempt but indicate a potential move in the right direction...