My (dysgraphic sort of) DS 8 gets homework packets which includes worksheet for ELA assignments and also math. We have worked out a system where DS gets to chose to write or type and when he types we just print it out and cut it up and tape it to the worksheet. He does it or i do it. Math has been more complicated. I got an email from his teacher about the problem he had on a math test which if course was on a worksheet. It got so messy because he didn't have enough room to work out the problems, he was literally writing over his own work. Fortunately she cares about actually evaluating him and let him redo it. Teacher tentatively suggested letting him ask for graph paper and i said he will never ask for it, you need to tell him this is what he needs to use. Same with typing in class. He can do much better work when typing but she seems to want him to ask. Finally got her to understand that it puts too much on the child to have to ask for something different. And I also asked her for one question per sheet for him but that seemed to be too much to ask for until this last set of problems (which are getting longer and more complicated) and she had to do it anyway.

Irena I would encourage you to pursue any alternative other than OT in the classroom. Mainly from the perspective of what's the point - will dilute effort in math and in OT. For DS sometimes the OT comes in but my understanding is that is to see him work not necessarily to remediate in the moment.
