I think you got some really good advise. I would definitely start with getting my own neurophsych evaluation. I was able to get my insurance to actually pay for it. I was surprised because I heard many times they deny the claim. You may want to find out if it is covered. I did have to go to a preferred provider, but there were plenty of qualified ones.

I also would not want the teacher telling me when to increase or decrease the dose. It sounds like there is a lot more going on than just ADHD. If I were you, I would want to know exactly what is going on myself before I approach the school.

The impact also sounds like an IEP would be more appropriate to me. It carries more weight and is taken more seriously in the school system. You have more protections as a parent if there is a teacher who doesn't follow it. I worked as a teacher before, when surprisingly I knew so much less about IEP and 504, even though I had kids with them. Many teachers do not get training in this area, so are ill equipped to provide guidance on what to do.

The teacher should definitely start with accomodations and modifications even before everything is complete. If the teacher refuses, then just modify it yourself. I have been known to write a note indicating we would not be completeing an assignment or we will be doing it this way. I would also put my foot down and tell them that my child will no longer be staying in for recesss to finish anything. It is counterproductive. Let them know you are in the process of getting a complete evaluation, but you need these measures in now until more permanent solutions can be found.

You truly are your child's best advocate. Next year your child will have a different teacher, and that teacher will have moved on with a new class. Do what you think it right.