Thanks, I'll look at all of that.

They did take the outside report we have which lists possible modifications in the classroom, and said they can write a 504 based on that, but that just looks at ADHD and slow processing but doesn't get into what the cause of the slow processing is. So what if it's something like dysgraphia? It seems like we would need specific modifications for that. So they keep saying that they are willing to write a 504 and I keep saying that I think there's something else going on, they never really offer to evaluate, and we go around and around. If I requested an eval in writing, I'm not sure what they would do, but I don't want the toxic school she is in to do any kind of eval, esp. since no one seems to know about basic disorders.
Whoops, there have been more posts, I was just responding to MON's post and haven't read other replies. I'm spacing out.