I partial homeschool my 3 kids, and have done since my eldest (13, tenth grade) was in preschool. TBH, I would rather not have to do this, but have no choice.

Here are just two reasons:

1. Most of my kids' math teachers don't understand math. Those that did were wonderful, and there was no math-homeschooling when they were teaching my kids (3 teachers spread across 3 kids since 2004).

This year, DD's math teacher marked her wrong because she wrote that the prime factors of 28 were 7*2*2. The "correct" answer was 2*2*7. So much for the commutative property. I could go on (and on) about this teacher's mistaken ideas about math, and did in another thread, but this one example should be enough for anyone who understands maths to be face-palming. But when I teach my kids about number lines and relationships between the standard algorithms and how to reduce everything they do to "formulate a strategy and then solve doing one step at a time" I'm just boosting my own ego, right?

2. Most of my my kids' teachers don't get giftedness. Like DS13's pre-K teacher who didn't care that he knew how to read and so had him spend the year putting his finger on the letter B along with everyone else in his class. He learned nothing from her the entire year. But I only read with him at home to boost my own ego, right? There was nothing about brain development there.

An unfortunate fact is that very intelligent people recognize the shortcomings in the education system and recognize a duty to compensate for it. Another unfortunate fact is that people who aren't very intelligent tend to not recognize this problem. It's a mess and it stinks. Some work with their own kids. Others (myself included) are involved on other levels as well. We do the best we can and broad statements like yours just make the situation worse.