I would take a different approach and suggest to your son that ultimately HE is in charge of his learning as he is in charge of his own body and eventually his own life. It is how he chooses to do things that will determine his future.

I would suggest that you (parent) and the teachers and school are there to partner with him to help him fulfill his potential and reach his self-appointed goals.

If this means he needs to allow the teacher to assist him then he needs to understand her role in the equation. If this means he needs to come to you with concerns or questions about his educational path then this means you and he can work together to help him be on the path he needs to be on to feel content, engaged and stretched.

Show him the bigger picture of education and it may enlighten your understanding of what he is experiencing in this (and other situations).

Off the bat this comment does sound like a power struggle - my initial response was extreme and out of kilter to be honest and I had to walk away, think about it and then come back to answer.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)