This sounds like evidence of some kind of power struggle, either between your son and the teacher, or between you and the school. I infer from the statement that the teacher is aware that you and/or your son have misgivings about what goes on in the classroom. It's possible that the teacher has the same misgivings but ultimately has to follow school policy. It's also possible that the teacher is resisting making the accommodations you and/or your son want.

Whatever the case, I think it's important for teachers and school officials to recognize that they provide a service to parents, who are the arbiters of their children's education. School policies don't apply outside of their walls, and parents decide whether or not their children enter those walls.

Originally Posted by master of none
I'd tell your son that sending him to school is a contract you have where you have hired the teacher/school to educate him and that means that if they don't meet your expectations for teaching him, other arrangements need to be made, but for now, he has to listen to the teacher, follow directions, and participate fully as a student.
