Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
So, DS7 comes home today and tells me that his accelerated math teacher told him today, "you're Mom is not in charge of your education. The school is."

I am certain that she said it. How is the appropriate way to handle this?

Hmm ... The teacher is wrong. My DS sometimes misunderstands concepts taught in school (I hope so, because it is hard to imagine teachers botching up historical facts in a good school), mispronounces words etc. He argues with me when I correct him - he tells me that his teacher is in charge of his education. I correct him and say that ultimately, the teacher is answerable to me if my son learned something wrongly. And I am the boss - because I hired the school to educate my son and if things are taught in an unsatisfactory manner, I as the person "in charge" will have to take it up with them or find another school to meet my child's needs.
Let your son understand that ultimately, you as the parent is in charge of his education. Beyond that, there is no need to "deal" with the teacher for this incident, in my opinion.