He's an extravert, I'm an introvert.
That's only the bare beginnings of the major differences between us, honestly. We do NOT think alike...
On the other hand, as a team, we are
truly formidable as a result-- because we see things so differently that we're like a super-PG person-- assuming that we quit screeching at one another like the Sopranos long enough to communicate, I mean.

Eventually we tend to get there.
Yes. Lol.
I've wondered about this topic because my extended family seems to be mostly made up of gifted-NT marriages, although the NT spouses often have one thing they're really good at, or maybe I'm seeing more of an HG/MG difference? I wish I could have everyone tested, just to satisfy my curiosity. I wonder how common gifted-NT marriages are?
In the study, 66% thought their spouse was gifted (identified as a child or had characteristics) and 34% did not. But I think that the authors' selection of "gifted" participants was skewed to academic high achievers so perhaps there were some NT particpant-gifted spouse and NT-NT combos as well.
Participants were initially recruited by asking all school counselors at private and public high schools in a Midwestern state to identify the top two graduates in schools graduating less than 250 students and the top five graduates in schools graduating more than 250 students. In addition, National Merit scholars and the two students in each school with the highest ACT scores were asked to participate.
In the end, out of 87 people...
One interesting finding of the present study is that in 2002, participants with gifted spouses reported higher levels of marital and life satisfaction than those without gifted spouses, whereas no difference was found in 2007.