No time to read the link at the moment, but fwiw, my observation just among the people I've known throughout my life is quirky people come in all flavors of IQ, high IQ people come in all ranges of quirky through "normal" (whatever that is lol!), and people find happiness in all kinds of different ways. I would suspect that most of th people I've worked with over the years in a similar position to mine have relatively high IQs... and it's basically a mix of couples who stayed together and couples who split up. Overall, I'd say the greater risk factors for unhappiness in marriage were not IQ but were factors outside the marriage relationship that the couple couldn't help (health issues, challenges with children, or other adults zooming in and trying their best to break up the marriage)... and sometimes combined with having grown up in a household where their parents marriage didn't last.
But those are just my hunches based on the limited sampling of people I know
