Possibly some of this maps to our GT kids' relationship with school: In that relationship we are seeking flexibility, support, and opportunity for each child to continue their own personal growth and development, within the existing constraints of time, money, and balancing the needs of other students in the class.
Lasting marriages may similarly be predicated on spouses mutually providing flexibility, support, and opportunity for each other to continue growing and developing as a unique individual, throughout the lifespan, while living within each family's unique constraints of time, money, and balancing the needs of other family members, including one's children?
Meanwhile I agree with aquinas that husbands may enjoy cooking.

For some, it may be a great way to unwind after work, and seeing what they've created by their own skill may be immensely rewarding. I will even wonder aloud whether a kiddo may be interested to begin learning in his youth to prepare foods which are not "blue-green", so he may properly nurture and nourish himself rather than expecting a future wife to do for him that which he is unable to do for himself?