We're an example of a pair of HG+ people who have pretty much got that, a volatile Celtic disposition, and a sense of humor in common. NOTHING else. Well; DD, obvviously.
He's a smart jock, and I'm anti-athletic to the point of absurdity.
He's an extravert, I'm an introvert.
That's only the bare beginnings of the major differences between us, honestly. We do NOT think alike-- to the point that it is kind of a joke between the two of us that if one of us is thinking X, it's a GIVEN that the other one is thinking "Y" at the same time. On the other hand, as a team, we are
truly formidable as a result-- because we see things so differently that we're like a super-PG person-- assuming that we quit screeching at one another like the Sopranos long enough to communicate, I mean.

Eventually we tend to get there.
We can meet one another at the same LEVEL, but we have virtually no shared interests to spend TIME together on-- we both lack the ability to be dogmatic about pretty much anything, though-- so I suppose that is something else in common, though I've attributed that to the physical science background/avocation. I think it's probably innate, however, and we're absolutely ecumenical about it-- it's a worldview for both of us. "Rational Skepticism whether we like it or not," I guess. Luckily this seems to have worked pretty well for us over the past 20+ years. We joke that we're a pair of dragons; the truth is that we're both VERY difficult, strong, well-educated, opinionated people who would completely
steamroll most people in a moment, but we deal with one another without any hard feelings whatsoever, and a great deal of love, respect and affection.
Like aquinas, I can overlook a LOT of other things because my DH "gets" my HG+-ness, quirks and all. He doesn't think I'm
crazy to proactively explore potential catastrophes and head them off (often in the face of a world that isn't intended for advance planning on that scale).