In terms of acceptance of outside testing, in my state, I believe the law/regulation (or something) is that they (the school district) have to accept outside eval and recommendations from a "certified school psych." Someone told me that along the way (my advocate I think)... Anyway, now I make sure any psychs/neuropsychs that I take DS to are also State Certified School Psychs. As for the outside OT evals - the school has never given me a problem with those (DS's vision doctor and vision therapist even had a conference with DS's teacher to help with accomodations, etc) but I think having them incorporated in the outside state certified psych's eval/report would solve any problems with acceptance. Honestly, I don't understand this "doesn't accept outside testing/evals" I suspect it is a ruse a lot of schools attempt to pull ....but, think about it, it doesn't make sense. So, to get the school to recognize my son's diagnosis of ehlers danlos, for example - the dx has to be made by a school doctor and not the well respected creditialed geneticist? School psychs usually can't diagnose so what happens when you have a kid with a ADHD dx from a neuropsych outside the school - does the school get to choose "not to accept it?" I wouldn't let any statement of "we do not accept outside evals/tests/Dx" to stop me if I were you. Also, just a heads up - more than one (several actually) private OTs have told me that when they worked for a school district they were explicitly limited in what they could tell the parents about the child and the child's level/progress/ect. You simply can not trust the school system in my opinon - you can find a way to work with them but you can not trust them at all to do right by your child. It's just a fact of life, in my opinion.

Last edited by Irena; 10/16/13 05:20 AM.