Not sure if this will be helpful at all BUT perhaps you can gleen some ideas and insights form my experience...

When DS was half way through kindergarten, I was called to a meeting with teacher, psych, and principal. DS had been very disruptive (he actually was having a bit of a 'breakdown'- he was really almost unrecognizable to me at that point). However, the disruption was subsiding since I had insisted just prior he be taken out of a particular (toxic) paraprofessional's group for writing and reading. I actually refused to go to the meeting. I had no knowledge of advocacy or anything back then, I just didn't trust them (the school) and knew I didn't "have to" do anything. I told them I would not meet (basically I flat out refused), that I was having DS privately eval'ed, and that I wouldn't meet until I had the results of a private psych eval and until we saw how well DS did once removed from the toxic para's group. I think they were calling the mtg to suggest that they evaluate him and from the previous comments of that particular school psych I knew she was leaning towards ASD/ODD etc. I didn't trust them at all b/c *I* KNEW the "behaviors" of DS were completely new and the result of being so stressed due a para that shamed him for his fine motor and unacknowledged 2 year writing/fine motor delay and unacknowedged intellignece and, of course, the school certainly isn't going to say any of THAT. After I had DS privately evaluated I called a meeting with the info and recommendations of the private eval of what DS needed, I decided what I wanted/needed to share with the school, and *I* told the school what DS needed in terms of accommodations, etc. via the recommnedations and info contained in the private report. (Incidently that first psych was not very good - again, I didn't know what I was doing back then, but it was still better situation and a more clear picture of what DS needed than I beleive I would have gotten form the school. Two years later I finally have a pretty happy little guy who is now identified as 2e and accomodated properly.

So... I hope that helps you somewhat.

Last edited by Irena; 10/15/13 11:24 AM.